With a host of innovative features and capabilities, version 5.4 further demonstrates ClearSkies™’ leading market position in the uncharted territory of Big Data Security Analytics.

What’s New in v5.4

HYBRID: The single most important value-delivering feature in this release, is that it consolidates your cybersecurity management function irrespective of responsibility ownership. In essence, it allows for an asset-based Hybrid management model where the same platform is used to manage both, assets you want to manage/monitor internally as well as assets you decide to outsource to Odyssey Managed Security Services. This transparency is pivotal to the organization’s cybersecurity management operations as it allows the organization, for the first time, to have a truly complete view of the security posture, status and effectiveness level of its entire security infrastructure, across the board.

Additional to the universal view of your cybersecurity infrastructure, through the Hybrid service model you can benefit from the highly-skilled security intelligence analyses delivered as part of the Odyssey Managed Security Services. Access to this pool of expert knowledge will directly enhance the cyber-threat awareness of your internal cybercsecurity team and in extent your organization’s incident identification and response capability.

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