The Cyprus Internal Audit Forum was organized by the Cyprus Institute of Internal Auditors and dealt with recent trends and developments regarding the professional practice of Internal Auditing in Cyprus, Europe and internationally. Various presentations by distinguished speakers from Cyprus and abroad addressed the Forum, with the most important one being the keynote presentation by Richard F. Chambers, President and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors, USA.

During the Forum, Odyssey had the opportunity to present its Governance, Compliance and Risk Management Services. Odyssey’s comprehensive Risk Management & Compliance Services go far and beyond the theoretical surface that is often the case with such advisory services, ensuring that the organization remains compliant with its legal and regulatory obligations without its operational effectiveness being hindered. Visitors who came across Odyssey’s exhibition stand demonstrated genuine interest in Odyssey’s services.

Odyssey’s team of experts demonstrated how internal auditors and IT security personnel can utilize Odyssey’s vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools to identify possible malicious attacks or vulnerabilities which would otherwise seem insignificant. Moreover, they clarified that in order to overcome emerging challenges, an organization is required to focus on the implementation, on-going maintenance and diligent measurement and review of a robust Risk and Information Security management framework, coupled with the implementation of an effective Audit program.